through a childs eyes....

Matthew 25:40~And the King will tell them, `I assure you, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!'

#5 is almost 2 years old. She is a sweet, fun-loving sweetie pie.

While traveling to my mom's house, we go through a town that has a huge homeless camp in it. We consistantly see the same people. Often times we will pray for them as we pass, or we talk about how we can help, and where they live.

The other day while riding through the town, our windows were down, the weather was beautiful, and the traffic was heavy. As we slowly proceeded through town, we saw the most gentle loving homeless woman, her face showd years of sun and hard work, her back was slightly curved over, she had on clothes 3 times too big for her and her hair was a white wind-blown mess. But one thing we all noticed as we sat at the red light, was her piercing blue eyes. You see we were singing, "holy, holy, holy, Lord God almighty..." When she lifted her eyes from the ground and looked at us. She immediatly brought tears to my eyes, and #1 as well. But #5, well she just perked right up in her seat, and as the light turned green and we began to go, she was just waving and screaming "hi, hi, hi! " at this woman. Her smile widened. And we were on our way. Through tears we talked about "our lady" the whole way home, and we are determind to find out her story.
We have deceided that the next time we see her we will stop. And her give a bag of goodies we have made up.
We look each time we go through town, but haven't seen her again yet. But we will..and I look forward to what God will teach us through "our lady".

Children have no judgement zones, they love and care for you who are, not how you look, or even if your clean or dirty.
So when Jesus said we should be like children when we come to him, I'm confident in why. Their faith never wavers, they fear not outward appearences, and they completely give of themselves.

To have that same faith now as an adult is hard work. I pray my children never outgrow thier faith, or let life circumstances hinder it or doubt it.

I pray for that childlike faith. And am thankfull for the daily reminders my children give to me.

I am so blessed!


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