
Showing posts from August, 2018

Bed Making

So I'm a bit of a stickler for a made bed.  Yes, I think it should be made every SINGLE day!  It's a simple task that makes your room appear clean and neat.  I try and keep out master bedroom a bit of a sanctuary for us. Hubby and I work opposite shifts.  So when I leave in the morning he is usually up and I'll make the bed before I go out for the day. Or he'll do it before he leaves.  At night when he comes home I have his towel and jammies laid out at foot of bed because I am normally asleep.  We do have some kids that sneak in and sleep with us every now and then. But creating an atmosphere of rest and relaxation is so important to any marriage.   I do this by using a lot of natural light during the day and very soft lighting in our bed room at night.   I literally have one lamp, two candle stick lights and my salt lamp.  All give off a very soft glow.  My bed is loaded with pillows, I do high quality sheets!  Yes, there is