Happy Birthday Emma!!!

Six years ago, on a Sunday..I asked the ladies of the church to pray for my baby to come. I was 10 days over due at that point. I went home and began prepping for Valentines Day.

We do all things red on Valentines and make heart shaped cakes etc.

I cooked and prepped for a Valentines Party the next day.

After falling into bed exhausted at 11pm, I layed down...coughed and my water broke!

12 hours later...on February 14th, 2005--Miss Emma-Leigh Rose was born!

She weighed in at 9lbs 6ozs.

It's funny how the nurses that day were so sweet to me, but they kept saying things like "oh, it stinks your in the hospital on valentine's day" ..

I had to correct them, I was in the hospital for a wonderful event. God has finally, (i know all things in his timing) allowed me to meet number 4 in the line up, and my second daughter!

Emma has been a true blessing to me every since. Her heart is so generous, she is loving and she is spontaneous like me! She likes to have fun, silly fun.. She likes to sing, as a matter a fact she sings all day long. Real songs and songs she makes up as she's playing, doing school, chores whatever!

She loves coffee, fruit, animals, camping, veggies, veggietales, chocolate, and me! ( this last line was dictated by Emma, after me reading her what I wrote) :)

I am thankful to the Lord, for my sweet, sweet girl and her loving heart!!! :)

Emma's Birthday dinner, will be Chicken parm, and an ice cream cake!


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