School begins again!!!

After a few months of break, and just dong a lil' bit of school here and there. We are back into a full school schedule.

Matthew and Jacob are excelling at their computer work and basically have about two more weeks before they have completed everything and I will need to purchase more stuff.

Emma is reading like a champ!!! I love listening to her read!!!

Anna is ready to do anything that is right there along with her brother and sisters.

Ashley will be officially starting Vocational School in a few weeks, early September. She is so excited about going and doing her first ever, "school shopping" .

Our budget is tight this year but luckily I was able to piece a lot of stuff together for the kiddos, and then we will do unit studies as well.

I look forward to doing the unit studies again with the kids, they are a favorite for all of us.

Hit the local Target last night for some .40 cent crayons, .90 cent markers, erasers, folders, and other fun school stuff!!!

Looking forward to what the new school year brings.


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