Dinner at our home...

After two years of my dining room table being in storage, and my "dining room" being everything from a big empty space, to a formal living room, classroom, sewing/craft area, I have brought my dining room table home! yeah!!! I missed it much!! Now we were just eating our meals at the kitchen island, but as my "baby" is getting older and no longer in a high chair we needed our table back.

SO each night my little girls set the table, from dishes to silverware and glasses. I love watching them have fun with it. We are trying to encourage the correct way a table should be set, but sometimes our silverware is on our plate with a "fancy" napkin! or We have glasses on the left and silverware on the right, but most of the time it's done properly! :)

Each night we light the candles, cheap little candles..but this is a big deal in our home as to who gets to light them! :) From the oldest to the youngest everyone wants that special job!

Once we're seated, we say our blessings and begin supper. Since we're in the Christmas season I do play an instrumental Christmas Cd, but other wise all other noise has stopped. No tv, no radio.. Just us.

We dim the light, and begin our feast.

It's amazing, that although I am home all day with my children..how much you find out at supper time. It really is a time of blessing. I listen to them talk to each other about something funny that happened during the day, or the dinner table is a great place to talk about everything. It's a place of grace, and we can speak freely about a hurt we might have felt during the day, or an injustice that was done. Often there are apologies going around the table.

I am reminded that scripture is clear. Eph. 4:26~“In your anger do not sin” : Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry,
How wonderful it is to have this quite time of repentance and forgiveness while breaking bread together.

Praising God for my family! Thank You Lord for blessing me with these little souls to train for your kingdom, while I still learn myself.

From My Home To Yours!



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