Nature Walk

This morning the kids and I woke up early and feeling energetic!

So we decided to go for a walk to the "flower" lady.

She is about a two mile hike from the campground. I was a little concerned about my youngest one making the trip, it's 4 miles total.

But she did it like a champ!

We traveled on very country roads. So cars go pretty fast, yet at times you meet up with kids on horseback or horse and buggy's going past.

It's a cool day here in Pa, the sun is shining.. the walk was great. We passed several  fields.

One was filled with sheep, Emma did her best sheep impression and the came running to the fence, "talking" back to her! It was so cute!

We walked past a Mennonite house, and the children were banging on the windows to say "hi" to us.

Down a curvy road, following the creek.. we saw several large horses, I'm not sure what kind of horses' they were but they were huge!

Fields of yellow wildflowers.

Up a steep Hill to arrive at the "flower" lady. Where I got a beautiful bouquet of flowers, two bunches of fresh mint, and a large bag of fresh lettuce, all for $7.00

Then back! It took us two hours to do the four miles. I'm gonna break that down to 30 min mile and call it all good.. considering I'm 14 weeks pregnant and my youngest is only 3. :)

We came back, put our flowers on the kitchen table. I made a wonderful delicious salad, with some left over grilled chicken from last night and we had a great lunch. We then all rested for a bit.

Now, I want to make a batch of the mint tea, thinking about making chicken soup for supper tonight it's cold here today. Also plan on making some banana cake, with cream cheese frosting.

From My Home to Yours!



  1. Sounds like a beautiful day. Im shocked Anna made it, what a trooper.

  2. Sounds like a wonderful walk. Bet your 3 year old had a great nap.

  3. First, your blog is beautiful! Your cousins did an awesome job! I am so shocked the kids walked all that way, good for them and you too for getting out there. The way you told of it made me feel like I was there. It sounded like such a beautiful day.


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