What I learned at bible study..

Once a month I meet with some dear sisters in Christ for a bible study. This past study opened my eyes to so much.

We read Jonah, we talked about diligence.

 DILIGENCE, n. [L. , to love earnestly; to choose. ]1. Steady application in business of any kind; constant effort to accomplish what is undertaken; exertion

The conversation led to our dear husbands. I sat around with 6 woman, All of us praising the diligence of our husbands. And then discussing how the World is tearing them apart. 

One husband is a teacher.. 70+ hours a week, teaching in a urban area where the kids will freely tell him, my parents don't care why should I.. Yet our screwed up system tells the teacher it's their fault the kids aren't learning.

One husband, working two jobs to make ends meet as well as his wife who works part time.

One husband, a correction officer.. over crowded prisons, forced over time...

One husband, a manger of a busy facility 70+ work weeks, starting over at the age of 46..

One husband working full time, his wife works double that!

Each woman raising a family, some homeschooling.

Each woman confiding in each other, the feelings we so often won't say out loud.

We talked about how we as the wives are learning to lean so heavily on GOD.  We talked about trying to keep ourselves in check, because the husbands are so stressed we don't want to burden them with our day.

We talked about how Satan is attacking the family. He is managing to keep the husbands out of the home for very long hours. He is keeping them so busy in trying to provide for the home financially most of them are struggling with providing for the home spiritually.

Don't get me wrong, no one's husband is having an affair, no ones kids are off the hook out of control or anything.

Their time is so limited with their families that they struggle with how to make it the most of it spiritually.

I'm finding I'm taking on things I normally wouldn't.  I'm soaking up God's word.. or Eating it up as my friend likes to say. Are we eating it? Are we letting God word be the bread of life? Are we drinking the living water??

When we do that, we get a STRENGTH  that only HE can give. We are renewed by a GRACE that only HE can give.
We are given a PEACE that only HE can give.

Do we fall short? Yes! Are we perfect ? No!

Can we be that support for our husbands?? YOU BETCHYA!!!!

Ladies, you are stronger then you think your are. We are that Ruby! 

We are struggling similarly. Open your hearts to the Lord, talk with your sisters in Christ.
Keep praying for your husband!!

You can do this!

Proverbs 3:5
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;



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