Major Life Change

I've been  told several times in the past the God uses our experiences to grow us. 
For the past five years we've been struggling with different things on and off.
Seriously who doesn't have issues that they deal with on a daily basis.

Well our hearts, and minds are being pulled in a direction we honestly NEVER saw coming.

I know that God is with us. I know that with God we will overcome.

I will accept my accountability in our issue.

The past week as brought days of sorrow, I am saddened.. my heart is broken, I feel let down, I am disappointed, I am hurting. I am struggling with anxiety, depression.. and overall fear of the unknown.

This issue has to do with one of my children. I don't know if your ever prepared for when your children disappoint you.

It's hard for me to accept.  BUT, I am moving past the ME part...

I am pouring my heart into scriptures and TRUSTING that GOD has a plan in all this. That GOD is in control of EVERYTHING. That GOD knows my heart and my children's heart.

That GOD is an AWESOME GOD in all circumstances.

Pray for us, Pray for our family..


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