Getting our Grove Back

I wish I could say that I managed to stay on top of things for the past 9 months while separated from my husband, working full time, some kids in school, homeschooling other kids.. I wish I could say it was so awesome. But it wasn't. It was hard work.

I'm in the new house for just over a week now and I'm starting to feel settled. It feels amazing to be back with my husband under one roof. To be able to care for him like I want to.

He has grown so much since being separated from me. His demeanor has calmed quite and bit and he is so happy. It brings me much joy to see him so happy.

What I am missing is my oldest children and my grandbabies!

So what I have been working on is making this house our home.

The other night my husband came home from work. ( He works crazy hours)

I usually am waiting outside on the from porch for him to pull in.

We sit out on porch and chat about his evening. Well when we came in, he took a huge deep breath and said... "it smells like home". This just melted my heart. I will be blogging about this again later. :)

We still have boxes to go through and much to organize, and mama still has to find a job.. but for now she's enjoying her time with her husband and family.



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