Depression is....

Depression is: 
  • hiding behind a smile that no one but you knows is fake.
  • getting dressed even though it feels like the hardest thing to do.
  • hugging your child, when you can't fathom another person touching you.
  • going out, when you really want to stay home.
  • petting your dogs, while  you wonder why they love you unconditionally.
  • cooking for your family, when you really rather not.
  • not eating for days, and then when you do you choose moon pies.
  • crying when you're in the shower, alone in your bedroom, while your whole house sleeps.
  • feelings of guilt
  • feelings of sorrow
  • feelings of inadequacy 
  • feeling overwhelmed
  • feelings you can't explain
  • feeling exhausted
  • headaches
  •  feeling alone even though I'm surrounded by people. 
and so much more... but as of late these are the feelings I've been having. 

Trying so hard to over come, but my energy level just can't handle any negativity. 


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