some time away...

For Mother's Day my hubby treated me and the children to a camping trip. We went to one of my favorite places ~ Amish Country.

I love it there. The pace is sooooo much slower and I long to live a slower paced life.

Big Daddy and I spent alot of time reflecting on some things we want to accomplish as a family and came home ready to grow and stretch this family.

I have such fondness for the plain sect, they don't sweat the small stuff. If you have patience to hitch up a horse and buggy to go everywhere that really is not sweating it.
I get annoyed if my truck gives me a hard start. A trip that would take me 10 mins in my truck will take the Amish 30 mins. But man the freedom of knowing you don't have to be anywhere anytime quick. You can sit back and literally enjoy the view. Their focus is not on world or worldly things but on what God wants them to accomplish in their lives. That is encouraging my friends!
God is growing and stretching me. There is so much going on in my life that would probably send me to the mental ward, if I had not had the Lord in my life.
But HE is gracious and through all the turmoil HE is present.

I don't know what God has in store for our family, but I know whatever it is, we are being used for his purpose, his glory and to meet his needs.

Our time away as allowed us some refocusing time. We are clay in the potter's hands. But we also have the clay in ours, our children. We want the mold them to be lovers of our Lord. We want to remind them that family is where it's at. We want to educate them in the Lord, and his plans for them as well.

I look forward to growth. Growth is good, it can be painful at times, but it's always good.

Many Blessings!


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