Happy Birthday Matthew!!

Fourteen years ago today... On a Superbowl Sunday..we welcomed our second child, and first born son Matthew James in to this world.

Matt had a bit of a rough start in life. He was extremely jaundice and needed to be kept under the bililights for a week straight!

After that he struggled with a herniated belly button and severe colic. There were many of nights where we just drove his little butt all around town! The car was the ONLY thing that soothed him. :)

Today...... He is a handsome, hard working, always on the go, MacGyver, fix everything, type of kid. He's extremely hands-on, and can pretty much fix, take apart and put back together anything he gets his hands on!! (That comes from Big Daddy) Super funny, and fun-loving. Not spontaneous at all!! Yet super creative!

He is the love of his little sisters life. She adores him, and when she was born he "claimed" her as "his".  They have a beautiful brother/sister relationship!

Even tho.. Matt can be gruff and tough.. deep down he is a sensitive soul.

And although he is bigger then his mama, he still snuggles with me like he did when he was little.  And I love that!!! :)

So Happy Birthday to my scooter riding, skateboarding, air soft playing, dirt bike riding, guitar playing, wood working, video gaming, junk collecting, Christmas lighting, fishing, crabbing, archery, hunting,always in need of a shave,   outdoorsy BOY!!!

You are all boy, and not having a brother I had no idea what I was in for!!!

I love you much!!!



  1. Make that boy some Tiny Tacos for his birthday! I'm only 4 months away from having a teenager in the house - what's it like!?

    Sounds like your son is quite a blessing. We have a few MacGyver boys around our house - they always are up to something amazing, aren't they?

    Michele @ The Excellent Wife


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