Things I Love about today
Cold rainy winter days
sleeping kitty's in window sills
a full day of school completed
warm soup for lunch
a daughters laughter while her friend visits
hot tea
reading out loud to the younger three
Little House in the Big Woods
Snuggling with Bella, under flannel sheets for a nap
Pride & Prejudice
munching on homemade granola
blow drying little girls hair after their afternoon bath
talking with a friend on the phone
Mr. Darcy all snuggled on his bed
a napping son, in the warmth of the living room.
hugs from my son, who is bigger then me.
knowing whats for dinner.
a phone call from my hubby
candle light
Quiet Prayers
The love of my God
You know how you sometimes read those post that just make you feel good. This is one of those. Thanks for sharing.