
Showing posts from April, 2012

Our Journey through Unemployment..

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future After 24 years with his company, and after a seriously rough few weeks. My dh was let go from his job. I have such sadness, not because he was let go but more because this was originally my grandfathers business, and with dh working there.. it was still somehow a connection to my grandfather whose been gone for several years now. I will miss the smell of the "shop" . I will miss seeing the equipment my grandfather started out with in his garage. I will miss the familiarity of it all. It's a closing chapter for me personally. I still miss my grandfather. For my husband, I am happy.  I can't imagine the pressure he felt in his life for him to come home from being fired and he physically looked relieved. He said for the first time in years he can breathe! What a sense of burden he must have felt. My...

Saturday Projects

We had  beautiful Saturday here on the East Coast. First thing we did in the morning was go to a camper show. We love to go look at the new campers that are out. It's just a fun way to spend some family time together doing what we all love. Then we made a pit stop in Lowes! So glad we did.  I picked up two gallons of paint for my boys bedroom on clearance for $5.00 a gallon, and some redwood stain $5.00, and several cans of black spray paint for a project I had at home that I wanted to do, while the weather was wonderful. So we came home and set up shop. Dh put a large speaker outside for me and I plugged my laptop into the mixer and we put on a pandora station. I love listening to old time music, so we started with classical Italian and then later in the day switched to the "swing" genre. Anywho, I have these metal chairs and table that I moved to a nook on the side of my house. The only problem was the chairs and table were green and my house is green.. and the...

Things I'm grateful for............

crisp cool spring mornings daddy starting the woodstove before he leaves for work quiet time with the Lord Children who slept in today beautiful spring day to hang laundry on the line. a 17yr daughter, that's not feeling well and still wants to cuddle mom. a two mile walk with the kids to go out for pizza an afternoon nap most of the children out for wednesday night services, while I'm at home with the youngest who is not feeling so good. soft tissues warm tubbies dragontales crisp rain nights warm fires phone call from my dad peaceful home candles burning unending love 

Good Friday/Easter

Since we've been doing Sunday dinners for awhile now, and we knew this past Sunday (Easter) we wouldn't be having one. We opened up our home on Good Friday. Ashley made several pizza crusts in the am, and we lined the counter with tins filled with white, wheat/white, and some with herbs in the dough. We sliced several toppings, bacon, sausage, red and green peppers, pepperoni, olives, broccoli, and ricotta for a white pizza. And then we opened the house to come on by for pizza, and egg dying. My cousins came over too and we filled 300 eggs with candy, rubber jewelry, tattoos, cookies, peeps and so on!! We had a wonderful time of food, fellowship and fun! Our re-focus on our families has been a wonderful experience for us. We are reconnecting, and building relationships. I am so reminded of how Jesus was with his earthly family, then his spiritual family, and then he himself reconnected with his earthly family. Remember that even if you have unsaved family mem...

Hubby was in an accident....

Proverbs 31 11 Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value. 12 She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life. The blaring ring of the phone woke me on Tuesday morning... 7:15am... I knew as soon as I looked at the clock, something was wrong. No one calls here that early.. I quickly peel a child out of my arms and trying to not wake her, before the phone does. She had a restless night. "hello" in a whisper.. as I was still in my bedroom. Walking out of my room, I hear my darling hubbys nervous voice, "I was in an accident" Me, "Are you ok"... Him, "yes" Me" do you need me to come?" Him, "no, I'll call you" He explained what happened. His company truck was pretty messed up, and the air bags went off. He said he had some airbag burn, felt ok, just stressed. Next call I got was from him in the police car, the officer was kind enough to drop him off at work. The convers...