Journey through unemployment~September of 2016

June of 2019

Since 2016 We have been hanging on by a thread. I have been working full time, thus giving us my dream of being a homeschooling mom for all my children. 

However this is the first time since the economy tanked in 2008, that my husband is at a position that is finally paying him what he used to make.

People can bash Trump all they want for whatever they want but for this blue collar family, we are able to eat, pay bills, and have some funds leftover.

September 2016

Hubby has started a new job in another state. We are both elated and nervous about what the future holds but we know. It will all be good!


I haven't updated in quite awhile. A lot has been going on, I will be updating my main page.
This is just a continuation of our unemployment journey.

I listen to the news and I hear that the economy is on an up rise, that there is job growth, that unemployment has gone down. I'm not exactly sure where this is happening. I know for certain it is not happening here in my state.

We are about to have to start paying out mortgage again. The government loan ends in just a few short months.

I'm not sure how we are going to do it.

First I should say, we don't lead in extravagant lifestyle here. We have a VERY modest home, where we happily cram. 2 adults and 5 children currently. My oldest daughter has left home.

It's almost two years since my husband secured his job. But the rate of pay was drastically reduced. He basically makes 1/2 of what he use to. He love his job, and he is excellent at it.

However his salary is just not enough for us to make it.  I started selling for a great company however that also isn't generating enough income.

My husband has just been told he won't be getting the raise he deserves. And now he continues on his job hunt.

My thought process wants to scream about it being unfair.

My husband is a hard worker. Shows up everyday, puts in 12-14 hours 6 days a week.

But I wonder is this just going to be our new normal..

When you are in your 40's and starting over again it seems so daunting.

If it was just him and I it'd be different. But we are still raising little people.

God tells me to find joy in all circumstances. So while the reality looks dim.. I will lean and trust that God as he always does has a plan for our family. I will trust his provision. I will be thankful for his provision.


I've needed to update for a few weeks now, but we've been extremely busy and I haven't had the time to really sit and blog.

First off, we FINALLY got word that the government grant we applied for was accepted and approved. Which basically means we are OUT of  foreclosure!! Woohoo!

The last 16 months have been extremely hard. We trusted and gave it to the Lord that we would do whatever his will was for us. But living up in the air for so long it tough.  It's a constant battle of what does the Lord want? Are we missing something? When, When WHEN will we get a clear answer???

But that's what trusting and obeying is. Waiting on His timing. Waiting on His direction. Obeying in the meantime.

Our God is faithful. Our God knows our hearts. Our God continued to provide and still does provide for us in ways that amaze me.

He never ceases to amaze me, bless me, encourage me.  We are so unworthy. Yet, He says we ARE worthy.. In HIM.


It's funny, Dh has been back to work for over a year now, and even with working some 70+ hours a week. We are still behind or are getting caught up on bills. 

I find it complete bull how the government is tooting it's own horn saying unemployment is down. What a joke! We know many people who are still unemployed and/or underemployed. We are the latter of the two, Underemployment is so common.

My husband has always been a hard worker. He took the first job offered to him, with came with a HUGE pay cut. More than half of his old salary.

Our home is in foreclosure. It has taken 15 months to process paperwork to see if we will even get the help we so desperately need to stay in our home.

It  has taken all this time to completely pay off our common household bills. But it's done.

If your battling underemployment or unemployment, your are not alone. You are in the trenches with many. We are standing with you.

Hang in there!


Well it's been an amazing journey through unemployment. God provided for us in so many ways and then used us to serve through Hurricane Sandy. Tomorrow, On Monday.. My hubby starts full time work again!!! Praising God for his mercy, his tenderness, his love, his growth in us. I've been preparing all week for dh to go back to work.  Everything in God's timing.. :)


Been a while since I updated this page. Dh is still unemployed. In our state there is 75 applicants to every job opening. He's been turned down quite a few times for jobs.. and currently is awaiting to hear about a job interview he went on..


It's been a while since I've updated on our unemployment situation. Dh is collecting. It is barely enough to keep our home a float.. So he is actively searching for work.

We are doing OK.. God is still supplying all our needs.

Each month we are in danger of losing our home.. It's become a surreal type of thing..

Yet each month we make it another month..

It living on faith here..


Well, we still aren't collecting unemployment yet. Dh's penalty was up this week. He will be able to file next week, and we should receive his first check the following week.

In the meantime, God has provided for ALL our needs!! 

What an amazing time of testimony this has been.

He even provides for out most simplest desires.

" All I  have needed the Lord hath provided, Great is thy faithfulness, Lord unto thee"

One of my favorite hymns..and so true.

We have felt like David sometimes, in his times of where he was doubting the Lord. And then we just completely gave it to the Lord, and He has not failed us.

Are things a little harder? YES!

Have we been down to our last dollar.. YES!

Did we worry, me not so much... (very unusual for me) my hubby sometimes he shared that he was getting nervous or  scared.. BUT has GOD been FAITHFUL, OH YES HE HAS!!!!!!!

I am so grateful everyday for how the Lord has provided.

I am so grateful everyday for my husband being home.

I am so grateful to my Lord and Savior for his provision and comfort.


What a journey this has been, we still haven't heard from unemployment about the appeal. I'm not sure, but I'm thinking something is up with it. You can't even call and speak to a real person because the call volume is so high. Ridiculous!

Anyway, while we wait God has been so good for us. Our need are being met. We are lacking for nothing.

PRAISE GOD!!!!!!!!!

Dh has done several jobs on his own, and we finally have gotten paid from one of them.

He also is doing whatever else pops up! Such a blessings that people are calling him to do work.

Our family has been a total blessing to us. Showing up with food, slipping cash in dh's pocket as we say goodbye at a family picnic!

We are so thankful and grateful.

Mark 35:6~ Don't be afraid, just believe.  Yes, Lord that is what we are doing!

And being blessed, by doing it.


Last night, I let my sleep be robbed by fear.

Isiah 41:10
10 So do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand

I wish I knew why I let myself go to these deep, dark places of fear.

Is it a lack of trust in my savior?

Is it a fear of the unknown?

John 14:27
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

I know God has this whole situation under control and yet I wonder why He is allowing things to happen the way they are.

Yesterday we received a letter from unemployment, that if we understand it correctly dh is under an 8 week penalty.

Meaning we have to reapply for the funds in 8 weeks.  This was due to the reason that he was fired for. Misconduct.

Boy, did his employer know what they were doing when they let him go. They let him go midweek, on the day prior to his being released from work, he was out for a funeral. They gave him this time off to go. Unpaid. But when they let him go the following day... That day off lost him a whole week of pay b/c he was technically available for work and chose not to go, due to personal reasons.

I hate government and politics type stuff. Mostly b/c I don't understand it. But it amazes me how you are FORCED to pay into this unemployment insurance and then that when you go to collect it, THEY can tell you, your not entitled to it!!!

MY heart doesn't even ache for me.. My heart aches for my husband. He has had a tough lot in life.

We have had times of feast and times of famine. We are in a time of famine again.

He of course is looking for work. But we also have the highest unemployment rate in the country right now..

He has gotten a few jobs, We are praying that God would continue to provide work this way. It's not like going to work at a place, It's more of someone needs something repaired, he fixes it and gets paid. So it's not a steady thing. But it's work non the less.

Our biggest prayer concerns right now are:
Making our Mortgage Payment for May
Getting some kind of health insurance for me and this growing baby in my womb.
Health insurance for the rest of the kiddos.
All utilites are paid and up to date! YEAH!

Of and for a quick disbursement to what he had in his 401K.

It's minimal but it will help us.

Heaveanly Father,

I thank you for all the blessings you have bestowed in my life. I am so  unworthy of your uncondtional love and mercy, take my fear and replace  it with the warmth of your love. Mold me into that child, who sits at his mothers breast and fears not where the nourishment or love is coming from, but is well connected in thier soul with their provider. I pray for wisdom Lord, allow me to be the wife that my husband needs right now.  May my words to him be encouraging and uplifting to his soul, as he searches out in your word how to lead his family in this situation. I pray for a peace that surpasses all understanding and that my fears will not be picked up by my children. Only that I would display a confident heart in your word and your leading of our family. I resolve to remain open to your will Lord. It is to you MY GOD, MY UTMOST HIGHEST that I cry out to.
Thank You Lord.


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