
Showing posts from April, 2013

Chaos Hour

As a stay at home, homeschooling, run two at home businesses,  mom of many.. I have dubbed a certain time of day as "Chaos Hour".. For us this is usually the hour before my husband is due home from work. I am usually in the midst of making dinner, setting table, cleaning up from whatever project we had done during the day etc. etc. Because I try to create an atmosphere of peace for when hubby comes home, chaos hour.. is just that complete and utter chaos. It's the time of day when my phone will ring the most. It's the time when my little ones will want immediate answers to the worlds biggest questions.. Like "why are duck feathers green?" and it's is asked with such urgency.. like they must know NOW!! :) It's the hour when my oldest ones are either leaving for work, coming in from work, coming home from an outing etc. etc. It's also the time when someone gets hurt, someone needs me to talk to them privately, or the baby is crying and nee...