A postage stamp homestead?

I can't think of an appropriate name for what to call my little parcel of land that we have. Other then a postage stamp. It's small. Very small... A sacrifice of living by the Ocean. While that has many benefits in it's own right, when you are trying to have a self sufficient garden for 7, it's not enough land. So we do what we can, with what we have.

So each winter I read: Mel Barthlowmuel's Sqare Foot Gardening.

Excellent book, that gives you all the info you need to square foot/container garden on a small parcel of land.

I use old whiskey barrels, and containers in the front yard. That is where we get the most sun.

Last night after Daddy came home, we got the rototiller started and then proceeded to rototill.

Then we started to plant.

So far what we have planted is, tomatoes, zucchini, cabbage, green beans, mint, eggplant, basil and rosemary..and a cute container of snap dragons.

After planting we sat outside and enjoyed some chicken corn chowder for supper, then showers/baths for all,then bed! Everyone was more then ready for sleeps! :)

God is Good!


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