
Cool Temps = Warm Meals

  One of my favorite things to do on a cold crisp day is cooking and baking. Something about the smell of onions, carrots, and celery sauteing up brings a sense of home. And remind me powerfully of my grandmother. The memories of being in her home and feeling her love are all tied to food, where she spent the bulk of her time. Preparing nourishing meals for her family.  When we take the time to prepare meals, we show love to our family. Tonight, I made a Potatoe, Bacon, Cheddar, and Good Ol' Fashion Chicken Noodle. 

Life has been busy..

 The last time I blogged here was over a year ago, I attempted to start another blog on a different format, and for the life of me, I couldn't grasp the setting, building even publishing my posts there. So I am coming back here to begin again. During Covid, I went back to school and am pursuing my degree in Social Work. In May, I will have earned my AAS in Social Work and hopefully will continue earning my bachelor's.  I will shoot for weekly posts about homeschooling, working full-time mom, full-time student,  grandmom, and wife. I will strive to share my ideas of frugality, canning and basically come back to old-time skills to combat the inflation we face. I will share our stories of joy and hardship and the journey with my faith along the way. I hope to inspire, encourage and just share life after a significant paradigm shift and find the joy in it all.  Thank you for following me on my continued journey in this life.   

New Year, New "word"

  It seems to be trending this that when the New Year arrives, instead of resolutions we've moved on to a word of the year. Because I am a wordy person, I liked this idea. Last year, I picked  "why" and everything revolved around my "why".   I'm going to continue with the "why" but expand it to "grow". I love to grow in different areas of my life. As a mother, teacher, grandmother, and friend. It is innate in me to want to grow, learn, and teach ways to be happy, successful, and have a positive mindset.  This year has been full of change, some good and some bad. The virus brought many families together, for a change families were at home enjoying one another's company rather than being shuffled all over town for events. More families we're eating at home together on a nightly basis! This was amazing.  We learned to love the ones we're with. Rather than look for ways to escape them. We became less focused on ourselves and more ...

Friend or Foe?

So I’m a bit of a history nerd, especially American History and I love to use the Webster’s 1828 Dictionary for reference. My #4 came to me with a friend issue a few days ago and we’ve been discussing this on and off the past few days. But I really wanted to get into it a little deeper. Friend as defined by Webster 1828,  Noun 1. One who is attached to another by affection; one who entertains for another sentiments of esteem, respect and affection, which lead him to desire his company and to seek to promote his happiness and prosperity; opposed to foe or enemy. A friend loveth at all times. Proverbs 17:17 I love this definition! A friend doesn’t seek to destroy our reputation, our self-image or us as a person. Thus meaning we don’t actively talk negative about someone directly in front of them or behind their backs. My girl has had to deal with this. Mutual friends don’t laugh or like Instagram or Facebook shares that are directed at another friend. A friend seeks to spen...

Bed Making

So I'm a bit of a stickler for a made bed.  Yes, I think it should be made every SINGLE day!  It's a simple task that makes your room appear clean and neat.  I try and keep out master bedroom a bit of a sanctuary for us. Hubby and I work opposite shifts.  So when I leave in the morning he is usually up and I'll make the bed before I go out for the day. Or he'll do it before he leaves.  At night when he comes home I have his towel and jammies laid out at foot of bed because I am normally asleep.  We do have some kids that sneak in and sleep with us every now and then. But creating an atmosphere of rest and relaxation is so important to any marriage.   I do this by using a lot of natural light during the day and very soft lighting in our bed room at night.   I literally have one lamp, two candle stick lights and my salt lamp.  All give off a very soft glow.  My bed is loaded with pillows...

Home Love Hammock Style

This lovely gift was a 21st wedding anniversary present from my lovely husband.  I absolutely love this thing.. For many reasons...  My hammock brings me peace.   Why??  Because I love to be outside and be in nature.   So everyday weather and schedule permitting I try and get on my hammock.  It's bring me closer to my children.  They will see me out there and come out and lay with me on it.  From my 17 year old on down to my 5 year old.  My 17 year old and I have had the best chats just laying and swinging on that thing.  My youngest daughters 13, and soon to be 10 will bring their books out and  just veg and read with me.  My 5 year old will crawl up on that and just snuggle and chat with me, eventually giving way to the peacefulness of outside and fall asleep in my arms. My grandbabies will cuddle with grammy  and let me read or just hold them.  I have even had my best girl...

Depression is....

Depression is:  hiding behind a smile that no one but you knows is fake. getting dressed even though it feels like the hardest thing to do. hugging your child, when you can't fathom another person touching you. going out, when you really want to stay home. petting your dogs, while  you wonder why they love you unconditionally. cooking for your family, when you really rather not. not eating for days, and then when you do you choose moon pies. crying when you're in the shower, alone in your bedroom, while your whole house sleeps. feelings of guilt feelings of sorrow feelings of inadequacy  feeling overwhelmed feelings you can't explain feeling exhausted headaches  feeling alone even though I'm surrounded by people.  and so much more... but as of late these are the feelings I've been having.  Trying so hard to over come, but my energy level just can't handle any negativity.